Sunday, November 14, 2010

No Thunks Allowed

Today after worship many of us gathered and packed boxes for Operation Christmas Child. Over the last few years we have packed and sent hundreds and hundreds of gift boxes to children around the world.

We walked past a long set of tables filled with school supplies, toys, candy and hygiene items. Each of us started with an empty shoe box at one end of the tables and had a full box by the end.  Then we would get an empty box and start again.

I am grateful for the people of our church who have filled the supply tables so well that I can adopt a "no thunk rule" of box packing.  By the time I reach the last table, my shoe box is packed so full that even the hardest shake will not yield a single thunk.

Most of us live in  a world where God has followed a "no thunk rule" on our behalf.  We have shelter, clothing and food to spare.  Our homes overflow with possessions and comforts. Operation Christmas Child boxes remind us that there are children in this world who are delighted and grateful to receive even the smallest of gifts.

Operation Christmas Child is a wonderful way to get into the spirit of the coming season.  We can look beyond our day to day wants and see with the eyes of simple child.