Saturday, November 20, 2010

Dancing Lessons

After a long summer's drought, the catalogs are filling my mailbox once again. Browsing through them is fun and then they go into the recycle bin. Once in a while, though, something catches my eye, stops me in my tracks, and makes me think about my approach to life. Here's a quote from one of the latest offerings:

"Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass....its about learning to dance in the rain."

The Bible is full of dancing lessons and we don't have to dance alone. With God as our partner and help from family and friends, we can dance our way through any storm. We may not be able to control or avoid the storms of life, we may have to slow dance for a while, or even stop to catch our breath. And then God is inviting us to resume dancing, even though it may still be raining.  (photo courtesy of flickr/HDC Photography)