Tuesday, September 25, 2012

And now for the final installment of our Saving Grace process.  We discerned our values as a congregation.  We created a Mission Statement.  Finally, we met to craft a Vision Statement. This Vision Statement wraps up our Values and Mission and points us towards our future as a church and as God's people.  The statement is this:

Grace United Methodist Church will joyfully serve the community by welcoming all people into the ever widening Circle of God's Love. 

In choosing this statement, we declare that we are followers of the Christ, who welcomed everyone and spent much of his time with the "outcasts" of his time. This means that everyone who comes through our doors, no matter how they are dressed, what race they were born to, what lifestyle they choose or how they might be disabled, will be welcomed into our congregation.

Are we now finished with saving our precious church?  Far from it! The easy part is complete and now we prepare ourselves to be God's Heart and Hands in our community, our nation and our world.  With hard work, patience, and God's blessings and help, we can make it happen.