Friday, October 29, 2010

Flossing No Longer Required

A friend loaned me a book by Anne Lamott (Plan B Further Thoughts on Faith) and it's a good read. Anne says that it's easy to stay on God's good side.

"It's not hard, " she writes, "God has extremely low standards. Pray, take care of people, be actively grateful for your blessings, give away your money." If you do these things, she continues, "You're cool. You're in. Nice room in heaven, flossing no longer required." (Apparently she does NOT like to floss!)

These extremely low standards are not that easy to meet. Often we are too busy to pray, would rather be cared for than to care for others, and are sometimes fearful of letting go our financial resources. We even forget to say "Thank you" for the many blessings we receive.

Anne's words are a friendly reminder to all of us. Want to be cool and on God's good side?
Live by His standards.