Wednesday, October 20, 2010

First Impressions Matter to Church Guests

Here is a thought provoking piece from Rev. Sheila Fiorella, United Methodist News Service

The people who come through the doors of our church have expectations. They're making decisions as consumers at first. Whether they return rests on their entire experience with our community. Those people leave asking the same questions they ask of businesses throughout the week: "Was this worth my time? Do the people care about me? Am I valued here?"

How will our guests answer these questions? How do you answer those questions? We're up against a competitor that is fierce, and I'm not talking about Satan or other churches. The other churches in town are on our team. They're leading and loving for the same reason we are.

Our competition, the rival that will keep people away from our church, is any business, service or experience our guests have encountered recently. That includes restaurants, malls, golf courses and amusement parks. First Bank (not First Church), United Parcel (not United Methodist) and Grace Medical (not Grace Community) set the bar for service.