Sunday, November 27, 2011

Remember Christ this Christmas

It's that most wonderful time of the year--again! Christmas is coming, and for many of us that means lots to do: mail cards, shop for gifts, plan parties and other special events and much, much more. The activity of the season can bring great joy, but our joy is incomplete if we do not take time to consider the spiritual significance of the season.

Christmas is a celebration of God entering the world in the person of Jesus Christ. Jesus shows us that God is gracious and loving and desires peace and justice for all people.

In the midst of all the activity of this season, why not set aside some time to thank God for the gift of Jesus and to ponder what his presence means for you. Here are some questions to stimulate your thinking: When have you experienced God's love and grace? What nations and peoples need peace and justice today? What does it mean to follow Jesus? How can you help bring peace and justice to others?