Friday, December 10, 2010

Do You Hear What I Hear?

Now is the season of Christmas carols.  One of my favorites is Do You Hear What I Hear? (listen). The lyrics and theme of the carol carry a message of waiting, listening and searching.
courtesy of flickr/tycha

      Do you hear what I hear?
      A song, a song, high above the trees.
      With a voice as big as the sea.

Advent (the four weeks before Christmas) is a time of preparation and anticipation.  In the super-saturation of commercial Christmas messages it is refreshing to be quiet. take time and dwell for a moment in silence and waiting.

We have lit two Advent candles so far. They were the candles of Hope and Love. This Sunday we will light the third candle, the one traditionally associated with Joy.  Amidst the serious spiritual preparation of Advent we need to keep joy in our hearts.  

Keep heart and hope in this Advent season. Search the skies for the star that glows brightest of all. Listen intently for the voice that brings the perfect message. Remember, we are all anticipating the promise of the last verse of the carol.

      Listen to what I say!
      The Child, the Child, sleeping in the night.
      He will bring us goodness and light.