Friday, September 10, 2010

Waiting for Panic

The grape harvest is very slow this year in the Walla Walla valley. The season has been generally cool and recent weeks haven't provided the warm days/cool nights that sweeten grapes. This should be the peak of grape harvest but everybody is sitting around, waiting for the sun to shine. And they are worrying about the craziness that will ensue when everything ripens at once.

We rarely have to wait for a change in the weather to live in our faith. There are sick friends in need of a visit, prayers to be said and scripture to be studied. Season has little to do with our every day capacity for love and service. Keeping the rhythm of regular prayer and good works also has the benefit of keeping us in shape for the occasional spiritual tsunami.

Vineyard workers have a tough lot. Like all farmers, just a few weeks can make or break the results of a whole year of efforts. The story of Christ's work in the Gospel was one of consistent teaching and healing throughout Galilee. Let's follow His example of daily good works. And say a prayer for our vineyard friends in the coming weeks.