Sunday, September 19, 2010

Detours of the Apostles

For the last few weeks, Pastor Linda has been preaching sermons on the Acts of the Apostles. Today's sermon included a long description of the apostle Paul's journeys from Jerusalem to Rome and every place in between. There were so many detours, delays and side trips that a map is a big help.

For the last couple of years our family car trips have relied heavily on the modern wonder of a GPS. We are amazed and amused at this little gadget that knows the way to anywhere (and the closest McDonald's). But there are times that it still helps a lot to pull out a paper map and get a look at the big picture.

We still read the two thousand year old story of Paul's faith building travels because they provide a good map for the kinds of detours we can encounter in our spiritual journey. Some times the challenges are the understandable result of sincere people seeking to follow the way that Jesus taught. Other times Paul wasted time and energy in smoothing personality conflicts or even petty squabbles.

Throughout his journeys, Paul kept his heart full of the message of the Gospel and his eyes on the path God had before him. We do well to remember and learn from his story.