Maybe it was when we decided or someone insisted, that the celebration needed to be perfect in every way: the perfect gifts, the perfect tree, the perfect dinner. Maybe it was when we forgot the original meaning of the celebration, when we unconsciously decided to go with the Three Kings instead of the Christ Child.
We appear to be following the Three Kings who brought gifts to the Holy Child instead of celebrating the gift of that Child. What would happen if we decided (with all due respect to the Kings) to follow the Child instead of the Kings?
Perhaps we would feel blessed instead of hurried, harried, and stressed. Perhaps we would slow down and be content with small gifts, a nice tree, and a just right dinner. Perhaps the season would become one of childlike happiness.
The gift of any child is precious. God's gift of the Christ Child is even more so. Let's take time to remember the "reason for the season" and follow that Child into a different way of celebrating His birth.