Morning and evening are also traditional times for contemplative prayer. Early morning quiet can produce some of our deepest insights. Dawn solitude and freedom from the rush of the day provide clarity of thought. Better than any other time we are able to carefully listen for that still, small voice that will inform spiritual growth.
By the same measure evening prayers have special value as a time to examine our thoughts, words and deeds for the day. Now clarity comes as we evaluate our actions against the the truth-full standards of our Christian faith. Often this examination isn't easy. We fail so frequently in living the Christian life that this healthy daily echo of self-criticism can feel more like constant evening thunder storms of self doubt.
No matter what time of day, we need to remember that our Creator loves us in both our strength and our brokenness. In the days of the Lord, joy resounds in both the morning and the evening. (photo courtesy of flickr/James Jordan)